Northwest China Council

Established 1980. Our mission is to promote a greater understanding of Chinese history, culture, business, and contemporary affairs in the Pacific Northwest.



"Engaging China", by Dr. Mel Gurtov, 11/2022

"Karma Has You", by Ran Sheng, Hybrid event @ PNCA, 4/2022

"Xu Xu" Webinar, by Dr. Frederik Green, 2/2022

China Business Network: "Tale of Two Port Cities", Panel discussion 3/2022

Movie Chat, hosted by Shireen Farrahi, monthly

"Rising Above Hate", by Machada Smith-McGovern, Webinar 5/2022

China Business Network

The China Business Network (CBN) was formed to provide the Pacific Northwest business community who are involved in business and trade with China a venue for information exchange on the latest developments in China. The CBN also provides members and attendees with opportunities to meet and develop relationships with professionals in finance, law, consulting, marketing, communications, education, manufacturing, etc. in a wide variety of industries.

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